Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Now, Say You're Sorry!"

With the recent burnings of the Qurans in Afghanistan, the Republicans have a point. Obama should not have to apologize for those actions because it never should have happened. There should be a protocol in place to deal with these issues. No matter what religion an individual is, their holy manuscript should never be destroyed; and if that happens there should be an apology from the individuals that took part in the burning and they should be relieved of their duties.

But this is nothing new when evaluating the morals of America. Americans have a stereotype of acting like they are better than everyone else and shouldn’t have to apologize for anything. I feel this stereotype is fairly accurate.  But this is rather odd. We always tell our children to “say sorry”. When your son or daughter whacks their sibling, we demand an apology, even when we know the child meant their malicious violent attack, and usually is not sorry at all. Even the child knows this with their quick preemptive sob. The tears shed within a millisecond and now you are burdened with two crying children.

Sorry, or an apology, is the first verbal defensive mechanism I believe we learn. For example when you are on the highway and stuck behind a Prius, you think to yourself “wow, I am sorry they bought that car”. So for the Republican candidates raging about the issues- I hope they know that we are smarter than that. Notice how I called them Republican candidates and not conservatives. These clowns do not have a clue.

As a society we have to learn to take accountability for our actions. I am tired of hearing horror stories about the citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq. These citizens have been trapped in a civil and global war. Their lives will never be the same, for the good or the bad we do not know. We will only learn the real stories in the next few years.

An apology is the right move Mr. Obama. One would think that individuals that are so deeply entrenched in their religion would understand this.  And also, they should understand the consequences that burning a Quran would cause for our troops. The world is not flat anymore, republicans.

If we want to be respected around the world we have to respect the world.
But this is often hard for those that live in such a cozy and sheltered world. I think that these so-called republican presidential candidates need to understand that their days are over. There is no way that our society wants to go back in to the Post Civil Right era. The good ole days when only Caucasian men made decisions for the country and minorities were often never included in their decision making process are over. This is not a race issues, or a political party issues. This is an issue of doing what is right.

We have to swallow our pride, say sorry once and awhile, do what is necessary to make things right, and simply- grow up. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

What A Snob!!

Ricky, Ricky, Ricky, you have some serious issues. When I see Mr. Santorum on television I often chuckle. But some could say the same about the guy that should be in the lead in my opinion- Mr. Ron Paul. As I move closer to the Libertarian side of the isle these types of statements are the reason why the republicans have turned into some strange party from the middle of the country. But for a presidential candidate to call the current president a “snob”, because he thinks that all citizens should try college is ludicrous.

Of course Ricky, you do not want your voters to be educated because they would not vote for you. They would continue their search for jobs that have been eliminated by greedy republicans that often outsource jobs, hire illegal immigrates, and simply only care about the shareholders. That is fine; that is how a capitalistic system works. Not only does Ricky believe that Mr. Obama is a “snob” but he believes that the “Liberal College Professor is trying to remake you in his image”. Really Ricky, this is what you believe?

So let me get this straight. A republican is not supportive of citizens attending college, and he has a problem with the professors. These statements have created a great disconnect and are also casting a dark cloud on the Republican Party. More proof that social warfare will be a big part of this year’s presidential election. Mr. Ricky also stated that he talked to some minorities, and they said that they do not want handouts like food stamps, but they want jobs. I bet they want better grocery stores to spend those food stamps, and I bet they also want to send their children to college.   

Of course Mr. Ricky, they want jobs. But in order to get a job in this new economy they better have an education. And I am sure that a G.E.D. or High School diploma is going to get them to the top of the resume pile. Epic fail, Mr. Ricky, epic fail, try again. The lack of an education is why our country is in this current situation. With K-12 schools leaving as many children behind as they can, and college tuition climbing, of course Ricky hates educated citizens. Mr. Santorum home schools his children, and I am sure there is some reasoning behind this. Maybe he understand that our educational system is a failure, and does not want to subject his children to the real role that school has started to play in our lives, a  place to socialize and find ourselves.

So if it takes a liberal college professor to turn the life around of an unprivileged individual then so be it. There is no reason for an attack on something that is positive for the whole country. Basically, so many so-called republicans vote against the same social programs that will help them. They fall to the same trap that many citizens do when it comes to political affiliation. Many minorities feel as if the Democratic Party is their party and a vast majority of Caucasians believe that the Republican Party is their party. And as we can see that has really worked well for our society.

Ricky, do me a favor tell your children to drop out and never attend college, tell  them that you are not going to give them any financial help and see how far they get in this new America.