Sunday, June 2, 2013

Don’t Stay in the Kitchen

Have you heard these clowns running around talking about the destruction of marriage and the natural selection cycle of the human race on the decline? (

Simply because some women are forced to be breadwinners due to the absence of a male in the home, and others have chosen to have a career that offers them excellent wages.

Of course, the economic situation in our country has changed the landscape of the workforce. Factories have shut down; construction jobs crept to a halt- and let’s face it, a lot of men do not have the skill sets that are sought after in this current economy.

We all know the way that Fox spun the issue with their news reporting style. They turned the story into the Armageddon of Man. Sort of how Eve is always to blame for the world that we live in. If she would have never eaten that forbidden fruit- Eve put that iPhone down!  Serve me woman!

Since a majority of the population has decided not to take statistics but instead enroll in ballroom dancing, it is easy to see why this story has caused so much controversy. FEAR- if the black unemployment rate was lower I am sure that Obama would have another scandal on his hands.  

There is nothing wrong with a woman being the breadwinner. Just because a woman is making more than a man does not suggest that marriage is under attack. Maybe it suggests that women have adapted to the society they live in and have gained the necessary skills to survive instead of being on Welfare. Maybe we should applaud these women instead of vilifying them.  

Just because a women is making more than her husband should not mean that their son is going to be bound to life in the kitchen watching Sports Center, or How to survive in the wild with a toothpick.

This subject cannot and should not be talked about by people that do not have any experience with the issue. The stats are misleading. It needs to be broken down by several other factors as well. For example how many of these households are educated, how many decided that this was right for them, and finally how many mothers have no other options.

I personally am a part of this new phenomenon (or destruction of so-called marriage). My wife is a business professional. We have two children and have decided that the best way for them to be raised is with one parent at home.

The deciding factor on who was going to stay home, was based on who had the lowest salary.  I am not ashamed to say that I was defeated in this little challenge.  I could have taken a job at the local 7-11 and been forced to work multiple jobs in order to put a roof over our children’s head ten years ago- but WE decided differently.

Did my manhood simply vanish? Nope. I have a beard, I still pee standing up, and I even knocked out a few degrees while I had the time. Our son enjoys so-called “manly” activities- you know- shooting avatars with military style weaponry and farting then evacuating the room. Our daughter wears pink, understands that women can achieve anything they want in life, and is not simply forced to remain barefoot in the kitchen.

Look, numbers are just that- numbers, but they do not talk, they do not explain every single detail. Numbers are often so skewed in the direction of those in control that their intended audience does not even check the facts but regurgitates the same insane rhetorical hysterical fairytale gibberish. Tow the party line is what they must say in their morning meetings.

If they were really concerned about marriage, then they would have allowed the man to stay in subsidized housing with their families. Instead men were not allowed to stay with their children and family.  If our society really cared about marriage then we would not allow for men to get locked away on silly drug possession charges and denied financial aid to attend college.

If we really want to examine the breakdown of family and marriage we should not be looking at employment statistics only, but education and social issues as well. With a 50% divorce rate- marriage has been under attack for years.    

You want to know what helps the community in situations like these- It’s when men spend time in the community.  Men like me, who have taken this opportunity to spend time at my children’s school. The field trips that I have attended, the Site Council meetings, and the Superintendent / Parents Board, these things help the community.

I have seen so many fathers picking up their children from school, helping them with their homework, and even at the playground with their children during the day.  No longer do they have to wear that shirt with the fake baby in a pouch, now they have a baby in a pouch. 

Marriage and the male role in our society are not being destroyed- they are changing. Of course most men would be scared of this. Men ran everything for a while and look what the hell we turned into. We turned into a society that is so hyped up on violence that video games are nothing but recruiting tools for the military.

Look, without women our silly asses would not be here, history has skewed the role of women so bad that they still have to fight for justice and equality. And now that women have started to shatter that glass ceiling- ditching baking bread in the kitchen for earning bread in the workplace- men are threatened. 

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