Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Privilege from the Right?

Is voting a right or a privilege?  Well, according to Alice Stewart, a Republican Strategist, it is a privilege. Really Alice, so I guess we are in Wonderland right now sipping on sweet tea plotting to stop citizens from voting.

As many of you know, I lived in Texas for several years and I love the state. But when a gun permit can be used to vote and not a student identification card, we have to scream out institutional racism strikes again. According to the numbers, they say that there are 1.4 million people that may not be able to vote in the upcoming election.

This next election is one that is critical to our country. No matter what your stand or party, this next election will show us several things. The first thing it will show is where we stand on race. Have we really overcome our racial barriers and are we moving forward. To be brutally honest, the president is nothing more than a puppet that is controlled by the corporations, and others that we do not know.

But if Obama loses this election I would have to say that it is a victory for those racist in the south, that still do not think that Obama is an American citizen. While his competitor can develop a health plan that is similar to the one that our current president has developed with the help of the health care industry, to the conservatives this is there guy.

How is voting connected to this election? Well if there are 1.4 million people that are not allowed to vote in Texas, then the popular election will be effected, which is a driving force of the Electoral College.  Then we can really be looking at our first one term African American President, and I am sure that we may never see a minority in this position again in my lifetime. 

Now, who are these 1.4 million people that will not be able to vote? Well l I guess they are the only 1.4 million people in Texas that do not own a gun. Of course we know who they are. They are the voiceless citizens of our country. The citizens that are punished for being poor, old, ignorant, and often the laws that are created do not help their position, but rather reinforce their demise of poverty.

Many people that are in poverty vote for the Republicans and their conservative views even though these laws harm them. Why? Because they are tricked, like many citizens of our country, to believe that the Republican Party is the establishment for white people like the Democratic Party is the establishment for minorities and poor and hippie white folk.  

But the strangest part about what is being played out in Texas is that in Texas an illegal immigrant can obtain a driving license as long as they have proof of insurance. That is correct- an illegal immigrant can obtain a license and then vote? I hope not, because if that is the case then wouldn't that be voter fraud?

Voter fraud is hilarious because shortly after America has experienced their first African American President, the conservatives started looking for any way to stop him from gaining a second term. What happened to the argument that they had to support Bush and his second term? Their classic excuse that in a time of war it would be dangerous to change presidents. Last time I checked we were still in a war.

Voting is not a privilege; it is a “RIGHT”. It is sad that illegals get laws passed that will help them in Texas, but American citizens often get shafted. To deny college identification but accepted gun permits to vote is a joke.

They say they will not turn anyone away from voting if you return with your identification within six days. For some people this is another hassle within itself. These individuals may need to find another ride to fix the problem. After their vote is cast it will simply not count because they will feel frustrated and not return.  

All legal citizens of our country should have the right to vote. It is not a privilege, but a right that was granted to all. Those in power always figure a way to hold down the poor. Even by not allowing a person that has done there time and has a felony to vote is a part of the scam to silent poor white and black people of our society. Voter fraud is the biggest scam that the conservatives can come up with this election cycle to stack the cards in their favor.

How can we live in a country that sends people off to die, only to return in a casket draped with a flag for freedom, but at the same time deny citizens their right to vote?   

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