Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Did we Forget?

Did we forget the reason we left? We left for freedom. The freedom for all, not just for some that believed there was only one way to live. Some have found a path that is right for them, but they should not believe that that path is the only way. There are many paths and many trails- many ways to reach the point of true happiness.

But instead of freedom we often stand for division, we stand for class, we stand to punish those that have made it, and deny those that want to escape the hell that freedom has turned into. The lives that have been lost are often turned into capitalistic holidays, while we all light up the night sky with fireworks and claim independence, in that same sentence we preach hate and discrimination.

It would seem as if this country’s flag is a cross. But it is not. It is a symbol of our independence. It is a symbol of the generations of slaves that built this land, the generations that have fought for this land, the generations that have yet to come and change this land.

Freedom should not be a set of laws based upon old beliefs that deny love, deny opportunity, and are dependent on castes, and classes, economics, and knowledge that separates one another. Man’s history on this planet is dark. We have killed in the name of our Gods, and our beliefs. We have killed for material; we have killed for simple pleasure of killing.

It comes time for us to understand something, a simple fact in America; we are not separate- but one. We are one people under one law that no longer believes in freedom for all, but rather freedom for those that believe that same ideas and rhetoric that has been forced fed over and over again.

Republican, Democrat, Socialism, race, sexuality, and economical status are all tools to destroy, divide and conquer. Divide the people allow for them to fight so that others can remain in power and control. Some of those that often follow religion do not know what they are following. Why? Because they have been taught not to question, but only accept.

Is this right? If society did not question slavery, bigotry, and opportunity, what type of world would we live in today? Because even those these issues, or problems, have been buried beneath the false flag of hope. We continue to judge what actions are correct, we continue to engage in gluttony and greed as our waistlines increase, and our debts become unbearable.

Even those that claim to live the righteous path are caught in the lies and deception of freedom in this country. We should not be bound by ancient stories that guide us to real darkness and control. Because our original creator is a loving and caring being that created a world that gave us life. That gave us a brain, a heart to love, an opportunity to experience, and then wither and return to the earth. But these religions, these political positions, were not created by God- but by man.

These stories to ethical and intelligent minds make no sense. Those that have learned to question authority, and to seek true peace, often find themselves pointing to contradictions in life that cast us further into the darkness. For I am not the original man, I am the second generation of man. I am enlightened by the world around me.  I see the harmony between the earth and the creatures that walk on all fours. I am one with the planet, the wind, and the sea.

When the sea dies, I die.  When the planet dies, I die.  When the sun dies, I die- we all die.  The human race dies. We are all interconnected. If you want to believe in God then believe in all of God.  Think of the blades of grass, the leaves of trees, and the animals that run free in the forest, because we are all God. And we are all beings of God. That chicken or shrimp on your plate is a part of God and not anything else. If you want to experience true enlightenment and true peace, you have to forget all the trash that was produced to control you.         

If you want freedom, then accept all freedom- not just freedom for the rich, the religious, or those that believe the same so-called truths that you agree with. Our freedom and relationship with God is one that offers all freedoms, and not freedom restricted or limited to those that believe they are superior or live life the right way. 

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