Monday, March 18, 2013


So, we use the word free, but often forget the meaning. This country was never built off FREEDOM but rather manipulation. Minorities and women have been denied FREEDOM since the inception of this Nation. The United States of America was not conceived by a white man. But rather suggested by a Native American.  A Native American realized that a land full of colonies would not be successful. This concept was due to the many different tribes and differences in beliefs and traditions between the many different Native American tribes. 

These differences in beliefs seem to be playing out in our society now. There are some that want to legalize pot, support gay marriage, and eliminate Unions. While some demand that they keep their assault rifles and extended clips, and in the same breath deny others the opportunity to marry, fail to realize the hypocrisy in their statements or must believe that their FREEDOM is more important than others.

The biggest concern for all Americans should be FREEDOM. In order for our country to rise we cannot hold on to the old principles of our country. The old principles lead to burning witches, holding back women and minorities, and the word FREEDOM morphing into slight control of ones desires. Personally I believe that a person should be able to conduct any activity that has no detrimental effect on another person physically.

One should be free to love whom they want. One should be able to fill their bodies with want they want without fear of facing prison. If we live in a country that claims to be free yet has the highest amount of individuals confined behind bars- we should change our tag line to “the land of those that can't define FREEDOM”.

Of course true FREEDOM cannot be achieved in our society.  Our society has been so divided and mislead by the media that we often do not do our own research as individuals. We do not look for credible references, but follow the slanted media and their corporate sponsors to tell us what FREEDOM is, or is not.

The Patriot Act, Drones, monitoring of internet activities, and individuals giving up all of their personal thoughts on social media are all forms of control and eliminate FREEDOM. Maybe that is what we should change our tag line to-The United States of Limitations and Separation.
Our children are not given the FREEDOM to learn, but rather programmed to think the way that some individuals see fit. If the Black Panthers stood on the lawn of the Capital today would there be thousands of hunters standing with them? They didn't then and I would think they would not do it today.

I see FREEDOM, the FREEDOM for you to wave your Confederate Flag, The FREEDOM for you to tell me that your religion is better than my spirituality, the FREEDOM of corporations destroying our land and selling our resources at triple the value, the FREEDOM for you language to overtake mine, the FREEDOM for elected officials to lie and place blame on us, the FREEDOM for you to steal from my culture, but deny me the opportunity to enjoy theirs.
So when you look at the Stars and Stripes and hear those words the home of the brave, remember that being brave demands action. In order to be free we have to do what is right, not what is wrong. 

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