Thursday, September 1, 2011

Remember Me?

Alright fans, Winters Writes is back and ready to talk politics, race, sex, car accidents, tattoos, and sports cars. No, seriously, I have neglected my favorite passion of all time- writing and sharing thoughts with the rest of the world. As some of my fans know I have moved from Texas back to California. But no worries, my conservative values are still in place, even though I switched from calling myself a conservative and now wear the badge of a Libertarian.  But let’s talk politics later.

I would like to catch up on a few things that I missed, like the NFL lockout. What the hell was that? They had the NFL Draft on schedule and got us hooked like medical marijuana card holders. I am glad that football is back, but too bad my team sucks and there may be no end in sight. A mighty empire falling, no not America, the 49ers; but we play in the NFC West so I am hopeful- oops I mean Faithful.

And I can’t forget to mention the politician that got booted for sexting (there is your sex). Man that old dude spent a lot of time doing some real important government things, yeah things, they do nothing but talk and sign their name and we pay them. Most of the time they do not know what they are writing their names down own. You often hear it in their speeches, “I did not support that part of the bill at all”. But Misses, your John Hancock is right there in black and white.

With the election heating up you know the keys on my laptop will start to sound like rain on a tin roof. Yes I am still waiting for the government to create jobs and watch them fall from the sky (most know I believe it is not the responsibility of the government or the president). Yes they can make policies and rearrange the tax structure, but that leads to nothing but more fat cats on the top of the food chain collecting huge profits while the little guy or girl embraces six figures like they hit the lottery.

 I sit in amazement because that guy we started two wars to look for, was not in a freaking cave, but a mansion like Charlie Sheen watching porn and the occasional clip of himself on FOX…  All the time telling us we needed more money for the war, or for another x-ray machine at the airport, or a reason to pat down your kids before you visit the happiest place on earth.
For some, America is the definition of freedom. People have died all over the world to achieve the type of freedom that we have.

So let us really demand freedom. The freedom to love who the heck you want, as long as he or she is not in my bed that is not my problem. Go ahead smoke a little bit if you feel the pain of Capitalism. Let children be children and do not be scared to tell them the truth, even though you might think they are not ready to accept it.

In closing, I would like to give a shout out to Bill Brenner. I admire his tenacity and dedication to letting the world know who he really is, and sharing the challenges and obstacles he has faced.  

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