Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cultural Propaganda

For the last few months we have been engaged in cultural propaganda. Our current society is what allows for cultural propaganda to be spewed by anyone who can type or even simply post a link on their social networking page. This cultural propaganda, even though some may considered it accurate, is becoming more destructive compared to being beneficial for our society as a whole.

Terms like racist, race-baiter, and words that can be used in different contexts have been turned into talking points. Talking points that are false and misleading. The use of a word is not the issue. The true issue is the cultural propaganda that is tossed like pamphlets from a drone when the sun rises. The cultural propaganda is not just about race, but gender, social class, religious views, and political stance.

It is important for the public to understand the rhetorical devices that are being used that allow cultural propaganda and corporate agendas that have been developed and deployed by those in power.

Young Black Americans are forced to see images of themselves on television and the internet in a way that is not positive. But this is no different for White Americans. Recent television programing is not created to challenge our thoughts- But rather reinforce our thoughts.

As we engage in cultural propaganda and support drilling, or oppose drilling, believe racism is real, or believe that it is fake we are engaged in cultural propaganda. Their agenda. An agenda that leads to more hate and separation than is healthy for a society that is supposed to be about freedom. That freedom is being crushed, stolen, and only for the elite.

Cultural propaganda has allowed for critical thinking to become something that is almost obsolete- like common sense. While we debate if sexting is real, or is global warming real, we fail to realize that we are being destroyed. We obey the lies, we follow the trends, we are told how we should act, how we should talk, and who we should worship with.

Cultural propaganda has allowed for poor people to believe that they are Republicans, and poor people to believe that Democrats want to change their lot in life. But these false assumptions and false allegiances have destroyed the fabric of our cultural.  

Another example of this in when those that do not belong, support, or understand said community believe that they can make assumptions about that community. They find views and positions that fit their already forced fed moral fabric that has either been engrained by family or often shaped by lack of experience.

Men deciding what is right for women, whites deciding what is right for blacks, and a government telling us what freedom is and how much freedom or privacy we should have are all elements of this cultural war.

This cultural war includes, incomes, race, beliefs and other interest. It would not be surprising if those that look at our current society in the future may equate our society to those that believed in human sacrifice. For what is a war? Nothing more than human sacrifices for beliefs structures that truly should not exist. We ship our children off to war, in some cases these children just want a source of income to provide for their family, or receive funds to attend college. There are some that follow family traditions.

Our recent wars cannot and should not be compared to the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. But they should be viewed as wars for resources and influence. A cultural war supported by cultural propaganda.

While our government conducts these wars for resources and control, they also conduct in the destruction of our freedom and liberties. These liberties are often intertwined and accompanied by cultural agendas with no regard to the influence that they will have on those that stand on the other side of the issue, or demand change or simply attention in order for change.

Of course there are those that will support the State, and believe whatever the State tells them. They will argue that the intellectual is being indoctrinated into a liberal way of thinking, or that their value structure is the only structure that should remain on this soil.

We cannot compare the democrats or republicans of today of those in the past. We cannot assume that the white culture or the black culture can be encompassed into one way of thinking. But should keep in mind that statistics are skewed to fit an agenda. Statistics are often the most damaging cultural agenda that is produced by man. They do not include all of the factors, but break the human experience down into mere numbers. Numbers can never explain the human experience, but only support the cultural propaganda.

There will be some that discredit this concept, or this frame of mind. But the cultural propaganda is here. It has been put in place by our government, the corporations, and our moral beliefs that are often illegitimate and hypocritical. 

Try to escape the cultural propaganda, the denial of freedom, and understand that no matter what, we are born with a set of rights. A right to be free as long as our actions do not cause harm to others. Our thoughts are starting to become crimes, our conversations and emails stored, whistle blowers are evil doers, and the cultural propaganda is blowing across our land.

Let us revolt with our minds, and buying power. Let us seek true knowledge and true understanding in order to make a change. Violence in some cases has been necessary but violence is not the key to the type of revolution that is needed. Freedom cannot become a reality if we are engaged in a political and cultural war of propaganda.       
Of course we have made strides towards some sort of imaginary equality, but we except this imaginary equality and allow for the cultural propaganda to feed into our thoughts and actions or inaction.  Obey at your own demise.      

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My American Experience

I have lived in many places in this United States of Crazies. I was trapped with Texas for seven years. The dude confused the hell out of me. I understood that he held his pants up with the black book, but boy did he live a sinful life. He always had to be told to clean up his room. “Don’t mess with Texas”- of course most people think that is because he is such a badass, but it is exactly the opposite. 

There is nothing like watching a redneck (they like that title), spitting his chew out the window while you are all waiting in the extreme heat for the light to change. Of course everything is cheap- who would pay top dollar to enjoy the flames of hell- would you?

Cockroaches are often referred to as “water bugs”.  June bugs fly directly into the light over and over again and they deny evolution? But I did enjoy stepping on these almost prehistoric creatures- squash and scrape that was my routine. Spiders were often bigger than most birds, and the fire ants that came from the banana boats really needed to be nuked.  I am sure that Texas will return, they have that fighter’s spirit out there- I give them that.

Not everything in Texas was, or is, bad. I did enjoy their style of BBQ. There is nothing like watching a high school football game under the lights, of course, right next to a natural gas rig that is spewing out toxic fumes making everyone in the town sick.  But they are often too drunk to realize that the EPA and the Railroad Commission could care less if they are slowly dying. I watched one of the most beautiful buildings for gladiators ever created being built as they snatched the land from people that didn’t want to move but were handed some nickels and dimes and told to find a new home. But I did get to BOOOOOOOOOOO Bush with his “leave every child behind” philosophies.

When they say Texas is a whole different country- they really mean it. If you would like to lease land, feed deer tiny bits of most likely fake corn, then sit in a stand and kill Bambi- that is the place for you. If you would like to enter a Church, praise God while you look at a Confederate flag on the arm of a group of so-called children of God, then that is the place for you. If being racially profiled is your gig- he is waiting for you.

I also lived in Arizona for a few years. There is nothing like living in a fucking oven surrounding by the most beautiful rock formations ever. I was a college student along with my girlfriend (now wife). This was the first time that my future wife lived outside of California. She was surprised by the amount of white people that she saw (she is white). She also thought it was odd that dressing up like you were going to the club was not necessary when only going shopping- darn Californians.

We were both chased by some Latinos- who must have thought some sort of revolution was taking place and I was on the wrong side. (No, really- physically chased.)  We met a lesbian couple that seemed to hate white people… unless they needed some sugar or a ride somewhere. The mall seemed to be the best place to get into a fight, along with a bar filled with Native Americans that escaped the Reservations and wanted to kidnap my girlfriend and sell me back to my masters or skin me.   I couldn’t figure it out- but we got out of there.

I still return to Arizona at times. I have a lot of friends that still live there. They have a nice stadium, the heat is hotter than anything I have ever been in, and the women still wear no clothes. They don’t care if they are size 2 or 80- they are going to wear a bikini and you will see it all. Personally I believe that Arizona is nothing more than a suburb of LA. If you can’t afford Cali- Arizona will welcome you, along with some other individuals hiding from something or someone.

I also lived in Oregon- twice. I really enjoyed that place. It was a mixture of California and living in a rain forest. I would often pray for the sun, but it would never show up long enough. He would poke through the clouds tease you and then allow for the clouds to continue to piss on you again.

I had a great time, being chased by cowboys- (things always like chasing me- or I like running when I calculate the odds are not in my favor). Drugs could be found everywhere, no one was from Oregon but the old people, and the young people that lived there seemed to have more experience with drugs than any kid in the inner city. The place was beautiful, but I had to escape the rain. I could not take it anymore. Plus all of the Californians that I didn’t like were all moving there.

Why am I telling you all of these random experiences that I have had in different states? Because from my experience I can understand this disconnect and division in our country- (back to politics). 

Most people do not leave their state or even their hometown for that matter. The bubbles that we live in protect us from reality. The reality that all of our experiences are different is something that is hard for some to even comprehend. Of course Texas has a huge respect and admiration for guns and saving babies before they are born, but turning around and killing them when they are adults. Either by natural gas wells, or the prison system. Arizona is nothing but a gun range in the middle of the desert that is really a sibling of Los Angeles. Oregon is beautiful, the best place to read a book, climb a mountain, and drink coffee- all at the same time.

But returning to my bubble of California had to be one of the best choices that I have made. I would rather raise my children in a state that is open minded, falling into the ocean, too dumb to figure out that they need high-speed rail, the smell of reefer everywhere, the land often shakes but at least my stuff in Texas will not end up in Oklahoma, religion seems optional, like clothes on any day in the city, everything is expensive, new stadium is on its way, and if you think it- they will outsource to get it built.

I love the United States, but I hate the brainwashing and manipulation of the citizens. All of our bubbles keep us safe- but they do pop, and when they do- RUN, sure you might not find a place that is like the one you left. They all have good and bad, enjoy the good, and unfriend the bad. I have only lived in four states, I wish I could have lived in more. But my experiences have offered me a better insight on why the United States has been simplified to coloring by numbers, either red or blue- well I’m coloring with green- hey that’s my crayon.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Who Cares Where He Puts His Weiner

I am so tired of the media. They make a story out of everything. But before I go any further, here is my disclaimer- I don’t live in NY and you couldn’t pay me to…, ok maybe 4 million dollars.
So Weiner is up to his old tricks. Are you surprised? Well, you shouldn’t be. Most of the powerful men in the world have always had a thing for women. You know that mansion that we all want an invite to? Well, that dude has plenty of women; so many women that he has to have a party to share them with his friends. 

But this is not just super-powerful men, but those with average power. You know the positions, teachers, police officers, mayors, and even ministers. They like women too. Shit, why wouldn’t they. Don’t we all like women? Even married women like women. “Oh look at her dress”, “Oh she is so hot”, yeah I bet you have heard those words out of your own significant other. Might want to get that prenuptial signed.

I know those talking heads have some dirt of their own. It is probably not that hard to find either. And by the way, since the NSA has all the data they need- why didn’t they supply this information- because they have been sexting as well. Shit, I even do a little sexting with myself- it is safer than pulling up one of those free web-sites, and I get the same satisfaction- not really but I tell myself that anyway.

Weiner is most likely qualified for the job. You know, the best job in the world. Being the mayor of New York. If he can engage in sexting, then he should still be allowed to run for mayor. As mayor of New York he has to figure out what rights of yours he is going to take away, how is he going to keep a city from being the next Atlantis, and of course the “Stop and Frisk”, policy fits his frisky behavior.

Why is his fascination with the opposite sex something that should disqualify him from seeking the position of Mayor? I think that he is qualified compared to most men, at least he knows what women want; shit most conservatives can’t even figure that out.

But the talking heads return with their rants. He is not qualified- he is a cheater, he is a disgrace to his wife, and whatever else they can find on the poor man. I would suggest that Weiner put that thing away and stop trying to be a welfare baby. Yeah a welfare baby. I am tired of our tax dollars being used for these fools to play at the Mustang Ranch, and then act like they are super clean. Wiener, you just say this- “I like women, you see my wife- she is hot from this angle but if you turn the camera”… I am just kidding.  

If we were clean then 50 Shades of Grey would be used for toilet paper like it should be, porn would not be on cable, little girls would not be posting pictures of themselves on Instagram, and that Christian web site would be shut down.  The only reason why they are using that site is because they hope they can find a clean chick, or guy, or maybe both, for a Saturday Night threesome before they attend church on Sunday.

It is not up to the talking heads to tell us who should be mayor, and who should step out of the race. !FUCK THEM!-  that is not freedom. If his wife could create some tears and forgive him, then we should do the same. Benjamin Franklin was putting in work with the Hellfire Club, he was a beast in the sheets, and we say that he had one of the greatest minds in the world. Well Weiner may be small, but I am sure he has the brains to do the job.

We have to stop being so up-tight about sexting. So Weiner, do not pull out, make sure you use the right camera angles, tell you wife she pulled a Hillary, tell that baby it is hereditary, and tell those telling you to quit- NO.  You can do both- sexting and run a city.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Black Racism

Are you fucking serious- black racism is responsible for the death of Treyvon and that racist cooking lady? Of course someone would find a way to point the finger back at the blacks. Of course it is the black’s fault that slavery was a successful business venture for the United States. Of course it is black people’s fault that churches were bombed and young black girls lost their lives. Of course it was black racism’s fault that little kids needed to be escorted by the National Guard in order to attend a school with whites. Yeah it was all black racism. 

Most will never understand what it feels like to think that you will never reach 18 or even graduate from High School, no mater how inadequate the curriculum may be. Life for many young black youth is not that same for their white or even brown counterparts. Is there something that could be done about this? Of course there is. Stop blaming black people for everything that is wrong with society- and understand that your own actions may be playing a role in the destruction of a race than you thought. 

So if black racism is responsible for the loss of Treyvon, then don’t forget that black ingenuity is responsible for the stop-light. I wonder how many white lives have been saved- by that black ingenuity. In need of a gas mask?- well, once again black ingenuity strikes again.

Our society has turned into one that is always looking to point the finger at someone for something. Do we have a problem? Yeah we have a problem. We have a society that has decided that they want to wage war on a total group of youth- that almost has no options, limited opportunities, and are classified by all.

Once we place anything in front of the word racism we are making another excuse for our personal biases and beliefs that often have been established by media, social contact, and lack of understanding about humanity itself. Racism should not be paired with white, brown, yellow, or purple. It should not be connected with gender, age, and any other prefix that one could find for their irrational beliefs.

To understand the plight and the struggle of blacks in American one has to face history, not simply brush it under the rug. There are many that thought that an African American President would change the world. But that is impossible. Our country is an organism that is being consumed by violence, hate, and stupidity.

Do blacks often seek out the wrong stereotypes and often get marked by those in society? Yes. Should they learn how to adapt to certain situations and understand the environments that they are in? Yes. But the world also has to understand that within America there is a Third World Country. Some of us are lucky to just drive right by.  Or they only hear about it on the news, and then become experts at spewing out some rhetoric created by the media outlet of their own beliefs.

The young black youth of America are just as gifted as the black men and women that have used their black ingenuity to help society as whole. The gas mask, refrigerated systems, stop light, bicycle frame, blood plasma bag, folding bed, folding chair, lawn mower, and sprinklers.

While most of society sees young black men as thugs. They forget that these young black men could be so much more. So while we look and search for some reasoning behind a young man losing his life, and another walking away with his freedom, remember that they can become more if they live long enough.