Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Black Racism

Are you fucking serious- black racism is responsible for the death of Treyvon and that racist cooking lady? Of course someone would find a way to point the finger back at the blacks. Of course it is the black’s fault that slavery was a successful business venture for the United States. Of course it is black people’s fault that churches were bombed and young black girls lost their lives. Of course it was black racism’s fault that little kids needed to be escorted by the National Guard in order to attend a school with whites. Yeah it was all black racism. 

Most will never understand what it feels like to think that you will never reach 18 or even graduate from High School, no mater how inadequate the curriculum may be. Life for many young black youth is not that same for their white or even brown counterparts. Is there something that could be done about this? Of course there is. Stop blaming black people for everything that is wrong with society- and understand that your own actions may be playing a role in the destruction of a race than you thought. 

So if black racism is responsible for the loss of Treyvon, then don’t forget that black ingenuity is responsible for the stop-light. I wonder how many white lives have been saved- by that black ingenuity. In need of a gas mask?- well, once again black ingenuity strikes again.

Our society has turned into one that is always looking to point the finger at someone for something. Do we have a problem? Yeah we have a problem. We have a society that has decided that they want to wage war on a total group of youth- that almost has no options, limited opportunities, and are classified by all.

Once we place anything in front of the word racism we are making another excuse for our personal biases and beliefs that often have been established by media, social contact, and lack of understanding about humanity itself. Racism should not be paired with white, brown, yellow, or purple. It should not be connected with gender, age, and any other prefix that one could find for their irrational beliefs.

To understand the plight and the struggle of blacks in American one has to face history, not simply brush it under the rug. There are many that thought that an African American President would change the world. But that is impossible. Our country is an organism that is being consumed by violence, hate, and stupidity.

Do blacks often seek out the wrong stereotypes and often get marked by those in society? Yes. Should they learn how to adapt to certain situations and understand the environments that they are in? Yes. But the world also has to understand that within America there is a Third World Country. Some of us are lucky to just drive right by.  Or they only hear about it on the news, and then become experts at spewing out some rhetoric created by the media outlet of their own beliefs.

The young black youth of America are just as gifted as the black men and women that have used their black ingenuity to help society as whole. The gas mask, refrigerated systems, stop light, bicycle frame, blood plasma bag, folding bed, folding chair, lawn mower, and sprinklers.

While most of society sees young black men as thugs. They forget that these young black men could be so much more. So while we look and search for some reasoning behind a young man losing his life, and another walking away with his freedom, remember that they can become more if they live long enough.            

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