Thursday, August 16, 2012

Here a Cheat, There a Cheat, Everywhere a Cheat Cheat

Why do we act so surprised when athletes are caught cheating? Cheating seems as if it is a part of the American culture. Right there with those slices of apple pie. Cheating seems to run rampant; everywhere I turn I see or read about cheaters- People cheating the tax codes by putting their cash in overseas accounts or those little radars that warn us when the police may have set up a trap.  Cheating vs. cheating; reminds me of those old Spy vs. Spy. comics in Mad Magazine.

There are all forms of cheaters in our current society. Women cheat when the undergo plastic surgery and increase their breast size, or change their noses- the beauty of cheating Mother Nature. Some would say that it is not cheating, but I hate to break it to you… it’s cheating.

I am glad that I am married, I would hate to be in the club and have my eyes on this hot chick and then later on when it is time to get down to business, all of sudden this beautiful lady takes off her Victoria Secret push-up bra, removes her inflated undies, and then takes off her wig. Wow, wouldn’t you feel cheated? I know that I would.

But we demand that people cheat. I mean, how empty would the stands be at sporting events if we watched the average sized human compete? We are cheated by the owners when they put a mediocre product on the field, and still charge us outrageous prices for beer, hot dogs, and the Grand Daddy cheat of all times (drumroll please……) parking.

Teachers are caught cheating giving their students the answers to test, students are caught cheating sharing the answer to these test, stats cheat because they can, and the government cheats us out of our hard earned money. There have been journalists that have cheated by making up fake quotes and stories. Race car drivers cheat in order to win races, and of course these people get penalized, but that is after the fact.

I do not like cheaters at all, but I understand it. It makes perfect sense. In order to be number one a majority of people have to cheat. It sucks when you find out that you are just mediocre at best. Instead of finding what we are good at, we decide to cheat the systems. Music producers cheat with programs such as Fruity Loops and all of these magical advances of technology.

It really sucks when you attend a live concert, and the artists are horrible and are doing nothing but singing over a track- another reason I hate attending big concerts. Because in reality, all I am doing is looking at the people lip synch for a hundred dollars.

With Melky getting busted for 50 games because of cheating, I am not surprised at all. The outrage by people was rather funny in my opinion. I mean, what did they expect? Do they really think that these people are not on some type of dietary supplement, or some other substance created in the lab. Cheating is big business in America.  Want to kill a bunch of people? -just cheat use a drone.  Want to lose a lot of weight? -get surgery.  Want to live like a king? -cheat and work for the government or the school district and cheat the children, and citizens when you retire.

People cheat at video games by buying modified controllers. I cheat the advertisers by watching recorded television and skipping commercials. Bootleggers cheat the artist by selling copies of movies before they are out of the theater. Hunters cheat animals by feeding them and then killing them.

Simply put, cheating is called an advantage in our society. But I do have a simple solution for this type of cheating in sports. LET THEM TAKE WHAT THE WANT!!!! Yes, I said it.  Let them take whatever they want, and deal with the physical repercussion. Of course we should keep these things out of the hands of children. But I would like to see who could cheat the most. I would love to see a baseball game score of 50 to 25; it might make me even buy season tickets.

It would also free up some air time and we could watch more highlights instead of listening to people talking about other people who cheated. Of course this is not good for our society, but what is in this current day. But do not be surprised that athletes cheat; it is a part of society, and a huge part of sports.

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