Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dear Rap (a.k.a Hip Hop)

Dear Rap (a.k.a Hip Hop),

            I would like to say fuck you. You have lied, killed, and pillaged your own community. While you promised to change our lives you have done nothing but destroy them instead. You are the reason that little children believe that it is cool to show their underwear, you are the reason why young men believe that it is a better option to kill a man with a silver bullet, instead of find a solution. You have destroyed the same community that you were supposed to build up.

            We are like the wives that you cheat on while you are at the after-party. But see, you can’t play me like a bitch. The jig is up and I am breaking up with you. While you steal beats, play killer, and make more mix-tapes then the octomom pushing out kids, I have decided- it is time for you to kill yourself.

  Your bullshit has slowly been fed into our nervous system, and is now eating away at our brains. No longer are we humans, but zombies. Zombies sporting snapbacks and tattooing our faces like the primitive man on the History channel.

            It is like a black chick with a blonde wig and fake eyes wondering why I am with a white chick; it is bullshit. Why have you let us down? What have we done to deserve to get spit on and shit on at the same time?

Public Enemy told you that they were scared of a Black Planet, Nas has told you what it feels like to be a gun. Did you not heed the call and take your place at the top. Or is your own greed for material, worth selling the people out? I know that sometimes you know what is right and you often show some glimmer of hope. But that hope has faded like Kid-n-Play haircuts and Salt-N-Pepper in our diets.

I would rather sport polka-dots and attend a Pajama jam, compared to sucking the dick of Tupac, who had more personalities then Terra, on Showtime. What is so real and so hard about selling dope? What is so real and so hard about driving a European sports car on lease?  

What is hard is getting an education and raising a family. What is hard is doing what is right and telling the people the truth. Our children are dying in the streets. And you are the new individuals in white sheets. The rap game Klu-Klux-Klan, throwing fake money in the air during videos, parading daughters around like hoes, and you wonder why we are dying from Aids, and living in poverty.

Mr. M.J told us to look at the man in the mirror, Marvin Gaye even told us there are too many of us dying. Why isn’t hip-hop, rap, or jigabo music saying these same things, or asking these questions? Simply because you don’t give a fuck about us anymore- all you care about is you.

Do you see the same face when you look in the mirror that was there when you first started? Or did you say fuck it like Anakin Skywalker and believe the dark side. Do you realize that the blood on the street is also on your hands? So when you see a young black man or woman lying dead on the street- that is of your doing. No longer can the blame be placed solely on the white man.  We distribute this poison on the internet, out of the trunk of cars, and on social media.

And to the overused and overstated excuse that “we give the people what they want”- Yeah whatever.  I call bullshit.  The people can only consume what you feed them. So hip-hop, rap, and jigabo music, I have filed for a divorce, and no longer will be a puppet. I will demand that our children, my children, do not emulate you and aspire to be like you. I would rather listen to fucking whales at the bottom of the ocean, compared to a bunch of uneducated minstrels on the sidewalk begging for handouts.

Music is a form of expression, not a tool to continue repression, depression, and segregation. We had an opportunity to be real Kings and Queens, but now you are no better than the white men in white hoods… only with a black face.  

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