Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Yeah I want the job, but you need what?

            Jobs, jobs, jobs, we all know that there are millions of people that are looking for work. There are many that will subject themselves to anything just to put food on the table for their family. But when do we draw the line on what information we are willing to give up for a job?

            How about your W-2 form? Yes that is correct companies want to see your W-2 form. While people are out protesting the banks, and the corporate greed, companies are figuring another way to divide and conquer.

            There is no need for a company to have all of this information unless they are going to use it to figure out what they can pay you, and what tax breaks they can get. There are many steps of the employment process that have done nothing but shut the door on those seeking employment.

            No matter if it is a drug test, criminal background check, password to a social networking site, or your D.N.A- when do we draw the line? I can see that some of this information is necessary to employ people in some positions. But I think that these companies are taking information gathering too far.  

            Have you noticed the decrease of your friends on Facebook? It may be because they are looking for employment, and Facebook is the best reference in the world. The pictures of you holding a beer, or chomping down on that Big Mac, may be the reason you did not get a call back. Or the fact that you like Obama or support Romney may also lead to you not getting a call back as well.

            Work ethic, education and experience should be the key decided factors when one seeks employment. But no longer are those the only factors that will decided if you get the job. Now things such as health habits like smoking, being overweight and political affiliation are starting to play a role in the hiring process.

            Corporations are people, and these people are starting to use their moral beliefs to make decisions on who is employable and who is not. Of course corporations are looking for people that fit their culture, but when companies start to ask for a W-2 form all this leads to is a whole lot of mess. A very hot mess that that is melting the American dream.

            No matter how much I support education to pull people out of poverty, I do understand that institutional racism runs rampant in our society. The new High School, a Bachelor’s Degree, is often the first qualification along with 5 years of experience. This is great for those that are graduating this spring.

            We do not draw line when we allow for athletes to get drafted after they have several drug charges. Or Corporate Executives lie on their resumes, like Yahoo. But I do think that we should draw the line when it comes to our taxes, when the job is not related to sells at all.  
            I do believe in some sort of privacy, but when do we draw the line?

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