Friday, May 25, 2012

Why I Do Not Support the 99%

            The 99% is really worse than the Tea Party. At least the Tea Party understands how the system works. Raise money, find people that support your ideology, and push forward in the political arena- not the streets. But when I see grown men and women destroying mom and pop shops, trying to bait the police into conflict, and making life miserable for the rest of us, they have to go. 

            Yes the banks screwed up, but so did deregulation, tax breaks, the prison systems, and a failed educational system. The people have to take responsibility as well. Our current system has a bit of socialism in it, but it is not like Cuba.  We do not stand in line and wait to get bread.

            I see protestors with ipads, backpacks, and gas masks, acting like they are poor and struggling. But the reality is even the poorest people in our country live better than any other country. Capitalism is a system that has built a wonderful empire, but there is a time to pay up. The credit card bill is due, and the interest is adding up.

 There is a time to pay taxes, and get rid of the cuts for all of us. It is time to stop spending more than any other country in the world on arms and military. In 2010 the Department of Defense’s budget was $680 billion. And that was more than Obama even requested by $16 Billion. Wonder who had their hand in the cookie jar?

But then when we look at education there is a huge discrepancy.  In 2010 we were ranked 12th among industrial nations and educational spending. Yeah that is right, the so called number one country in the world is ranked 12th out of a list of 16. But the numbers get even worse.  “Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science, and 25th in math”. Even though these numbers are from 2009 I am sure that there has not been a huge acceleration in this area.

Enough with stats- but this should lead to a better understanding of why the 99% think the way that they think. We are not teaching to a level that allows our young people and adults can make the proper decisions, and read the small print.

We have raised a country that is searching for the fast way out, a nation that thinks those that have made it should be punished. By no means am I rich.  But I do understand that it is not fair to allow for those that have made it pave the road for the rest of us. But rather the rest of us buckle down and mash out.

In capitalism you have those that eat, and others that get eaten. This is how the system works. The only way to beat the system or be a part of the system is to be educated, and informed. Start your own business, hit the library, and do not wait for handouts, because we are broke, and the 99% is bringing us closer to the third world status than they can imagine. It is not about socialism, handouts and punishing those that have made it. But rather taking responsibility and fixing our country, not breaking windows and relieving ourselves on police cars.  

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